
What causes insomnia?

Recently, I was struggling with insomnia. No matter how early I went to bed, I still couldn't sleep. Why can't I fall asleep? I did a little research online. To my surprise, there are many reasons that can cause insomnia, and here is what I found.

First is primary insomnia. "Primary insomnia is a sleep disorder not attributable to a medical, psychiatric, or environmental cause. It is described as a complaint of prolonged sleep onset latency, disturbance of sleep maintenance, or the experience of non-refreshing sleep." 

Secondly, mental illness is another reason that can cause insomnia. People who suffer from depression and bipolar disorder will be easier to have trouble sleeping. In addition, stress, anxiety, emotional or mental tension and bereavement are also the reasons of insomnia.

Thirdly, food and drugs can also trigger insomnia. Medicines such as steroid and hypotensor can lead to sleep problems. Drink too much tea or coffee and eat too much food often make people hard to fall asleep.

Short term insomnia can lead to depression, memory recession and anxiety disorder. Long term insomnia can lead to weight deduction and heart disease. Insomnia is seriously damaging my mental and physical health, I have to find a proper way to fight it!

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