At present days, low attendance rate is very common among colleges and universities. It makes me wonder that if there is any way to improve low attendance rate. Based on this question, I collect several ways that teachers used to improve the low attendance rate.
Firstly, I think the most common-used method is to call over. Teachers will call over at the beginning of each class and write down the names of the absent
students. Usually, if someone’s name is written
down more than three times, they will lose their qualifications for taking the final exam of this class, which means they fail this class and have to retake this class in the next semester.
The second method that teachers used is to ask questions at random. Normally, teachers will randomly select a student to ask a specific question, if nobody answers, it means that the selected student is absent. I think this method is less effective than the first one. Since it is possible for teachers randomly choosing all the present students instead of those absent ones.
Last but not the least, teachers will ask students to form as teams randomly. In addition, after students completing collaborative team tasks, teachers will ask each team to hand in their team list which contains names of team members. I think this is a good way to warn those absent students. Because they are not only recorded as absence, but they also lose their assignment scores.
In my opinion, teacher's teaching skills and personalities are also essential parts in improving low attendance rate. Teachers should improve their teaching skills and break through
traditional teaching model to make their classes more active and
interesting. If so, I think students will attend the classes voluntarily. In addition, kind and easy-going teachers are always much more popular among students. In the meantime, students also should improve their self-discipline ability and
learn to appreciate the high-level education learning opportunity.